The permissible dose of wine in Russia, allowing you to get behind the wheel

Holidays are not uncommon in the life of the average person. They are accompanied by feasts with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. When the driver takes it on his chest, he is prohibited from driving the vehicle.

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A traffic police inspector can conduct a breathalyzer test; if the result in ppm is higher than the norm, you can expect penalties.

What is the permissible ppm rate in Russia?

The pan-European standard average is 0.5%. However, the norm varies in different countries from 0.00% to 0.8%. In many European countries, a glass of beer or a glass of wine is not a reason to give up driving.

In Russia, until 2013, the norm was absolute zero, now – 0.16% in exhaled air, 0.35% in the blood. This is due to the fact that the consumption of certain foods or medications can affect the results of an alcohol test.

What is ppm?

The degree of alcohol intoxication is measured in ppm. This value is indicated as a percentage. It is obtained by the formula: a gram of alcohol is divided by a liter of human blood.

If the test is based on an analysis of exhaled air, then the formula is slightly modified: milligrams of alcohol per liter of exhaled air.

Alcohol is not eliminated from the body for a long time, so even if you drank a couple of glasses of beer the night before, a breathalyzer in the morning may testify against you, although you will not feel intoxicated at all.

A glass of cognac takes the longest to eliminate (up to 30 hours), and the fastest is beer with a low alcohol content (300 g - within two to three hours).

How long does it take for alcohol to be removed from the body?

So, the ethanol withdrawal time is influenced by a small number of factors, the main ones being:

  • specific drink
  • driver's body weight,
  • metabolic level (rate of processing food and drinks),
  • a small number of diseases (mainly liver diseases).

We will take into account the indicators of drinks and body weight, and in terms of the metabolic level, you yourself will add or subtract about a third of the alcohol withdrawal time. If you digest food quickly and your physique is thin, then your metabolism is fast. If you rarely eat, but are prone to being overweight, then this means a slow level.

Which has virtually no effect on the time it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body (including contrary to popular belief):

  • driver gender,
  • eating certain foods after drinking.

So, let's give a list of drinks, how long they are completely eliminated from the body and how long after them you can get behind the wheel.

The only type of drink that we will not consider is non-alcoholic beer, because it practically does not give a breathalyzer reading.

Infographics: how much alcohol is removed from the body

Infographics: how much alcohol is removed from the body

How to measure the amount of alcohol in the blood?

Alcohol levels can be measured using blood, urine, saliva and breath tests. There are several devices through which the degree of intoxication is checked:

  1. Test strip. There is an indicator at the tip of the strip proposed for research. It is placed in a person's saliva. Depending on how much the careless driver drinks, the indicator will change color, from lighter to brighter. However, the main disadvantage of this method is that it cannot accurately say how many ppm the norm is exceeded.
  2. Tubes Inside the disposable device there is a special substance that reacts to alcohol, acetone. A tube is inserted into the device and you should exhale into it after taking a deep breath. The yellow indicator changes to green when intoxicated. Depending on the level of ethylene alcohol in the blood, the shade of green may change from light to dark.
  3. Breathalyzer. The most popular method of testing for intoxication from alcoholic beverages. Devices of this type are divided into several types: one is used only in the laboratory, since it gives out the ppm amount after a long time, the other reacts not only to alcohol, so the result is not as accurate as we would like, and the third is used everywhere, since it quickly determines the content alcohol in the blood.

Permissible blood alcohol content for permission to work

The Supreme Court of Russia confirmed the right of employees to drink alcohol in moderation. An employer has the right to suspend a subordinate, dismiss or apply other disciplinary sanctions only if the employee is intoxicated.

True, there are no uniform criteria for assessing sobriety. Unlike the legislation on road safety, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not stipulate zero, five, or even twenty ppm of alcohol, the detection of which in the blood is sufficient to declare an employee drunk.

The sobriety assessment procedure is regulated by the “temporary instructions” of the USSR Ministry of Health, adopted almost a quarter of a century ago, at the height of the anti-alcohol campaign proclaimed by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev. But today, oddly enough, it is this document that allows tipsy workers to defend themselves against the most often justified claims of their superiors.

More likely sober than drunk According to employers, the instructions do not contain clear criteria for distinguishing between conditions identified during a medical examination. When assessing an employee sent for examination, the doctor may recognize him as sober (no signs of alcohol consumption), drunk without signs of intoxication, drunk, in a coma, in a state of intoxication, etc.

etc., while other regulations define mild, moderate and severe degrees of intoxication.

For example, mild symptoms are the presence of alcohol in the blood and bad breath, minor changes in mental activity (withdrawal, slow reaction, short temper, emotional instability, difficulty concentrating, distractibility, etc.), changes in gait, staggering, etc.

d. In practice, Russol LLC encountered the use of controversial instructions. His employee did not deny that he drank; doctors found a slight tremor of his fingers and hyperemia of the mucous membranes of his eyes, and 2.8 ppm of alcohol in his exhaled air. On this basis, the doctor made a formally correct conclusion:

“The fact of alcohol consumption was established, no signs of intoxication were identified”


Medicines that increase ppm

Before using the medicine, you should carefully read the instructions to see if taking the medicine and driving a car are compatible.

These popular medications contain alcohol, so they can increase its levels in the blood:

  1. Medical alcohol.
  2. Antiseptics.
  3. Iodine and solutions containing this substance.
  4. Novocaine.
  5. Levomycetin.
  6. Pihtanol.
  7. Inhalipt.
  8. Rhinital.
  9. Gutron.
  10. Aflubin.
  11. Valocardine.
  12. Syrups based on tinctures of medicinal plants.
  13. Tinctures of medicinal herbs.
  14. Corvalol.
  15. Valerian.

Where is the concentration of alcohol higher - in urine or blood?

Depending on the time period that has passed since drinking alcohol, the level of concentration in urine and blood changes. At the absorption stage, which lasts about three hours, alcohol moves from the gastrointestinal tract to the cardiovascular system. Thus, at the resorption stage, the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood is higher.

Next, ethyl alcohol is oxidized and excreted from the body. At this stage (elimination), the concentration of ethanol in the blood decreases, and in urea it rises.

The more time passes from the start of drinking alcohol, the greater the difference in the level of ethanol in the urine and blood increases.

Often, after cleansing the bloodstream of an alcohol-containing product, its presence in the human body can only be determined by laboratory urine analysis.

How to drink alcohol correctly as a driver?

The driver will not have to completely eliminate alcohol from his life, despite the fact that it takes a long time to be eliminated from the body.

You need to observe moderation in everything, but if there is a party with alcoholic drinks planned for the evening, you should take care in advance about what transport you will use to go home and where you will leave your car.

The weathering of alcohol depends on many factors.

These include:

  1. Human weight.
  2. Metabolism.
  3. Floor.
  4. Age.
  5. Volume of products consumed.
  6. Brand and percentage of alcohol in the drink.

It is important to remember that it is not always possible to get behind the wheel in the morning after a stormy feast. Just one can of beer is eliminated after 6 hours. And strong drinks (whisky, cognac, vodka) - more than a day. In order not to run into a fine and deprivation of your driver's license, you need to think in advance whether it is worth drinking.

Methods of punishment for exceeding the ppm norm

Penalties for drunk driving have been introduced in Russia:

  1. If a drunk driver is caught for the first time, he must pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles, and his license will be deprived for up to two years.
  2. Driving while intoxicated a second time - a fine of 50 thousand rubles, deprivation of rights for almost three years.
  3. In case of repeated violations, the offender faces imprisonment of up to 15 days.

Even if the driver refuses to take the test, he pays a minimum fine (30 rubles) and is deprived of his license for 2 years.

Important! If the driver was not the owner of the car, but a drunk person to whom the vehicle was simply handed over, the owner will be fined and will also be deprived of his driver’s license.

Is it possible to have a glass of wine while driving, and what are the consequences of such a whim?

The consequences of your actions can go in three ways:

  1. You will be met by patrol police. They can search the car, ask for a driver's license, or get a breathalyzer at any time. If the ppm level exceeds 1.6, you will be fined; in case of severe intoxication, your license will be withdrawn for 1 year. The driver may refuse to take the test using the device, then this will indicate that he was caught driving under the influence by refusing to be tested. This will greatly aggravate the situation of returning rights.
  2. You will drive home calmly and slowly. Such actions are most not recommended! But, nevertheless, they are committed often and with impunity. Before you get behind the wheel, be aware of your actions. And don't act so irresponsibly.
  3. There will be a traffic accident. It could be anything: a minor accident, a serious injury accident, a fatal accident, or the killing of pedestrians. So, most often, with particularly drunk people. Then not only their rights are taken away, but they are also sent to prison for considerable periods.

We hope that no one path will be chosen by you or your friends after having fun. Drivers are people who are responsible for other lives. Remember this when you get your license, when you want to drive if you are not in the best condition. Take care of yourself, your loved ones and be responsible for your actions.

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How to behave if tested for alcohol intoxication?

As you know, traffic police inspectors are divided into conscientious and not so conscientious, who want to earn more money by reaching an agreement on the spot with the offender.

What you need to pay attention to in order for the inspection to pass according to the standard:

  1. The employee must draw up a protocol indicating the date, place and other nuances. When the document is drawn up, two witnesses are already present.
  2. Before the test, the driver must be notified of exactly how the procedure is carried out and clearly shown where to blow and with what force. In this case, the device must have an intact seal. Be sure to check the passport for the technical device.
  3. During the procedure for taking an alcohol test, there must be witnesses nearby. The device is initially turned off.
  4. The device must be unpacked in front of the driver, and a new tube is inserted. There are cases where alcohol was injected into the mouthpiece.
  5. The first test can be repeated, if the result is not satisfactory, you doubt that everything went in an honest manner.
  6. You need to breathe until you hear a beep.
  7. Check the result, printed in triplicate, with the readings of the technical device.
  8. The verification process can be repeated after a quarter of an hour, if the driver is forced to go through immediately - this is a violation of the law, because the second result will be considered the correct result.
  9. You don’t have to accept the results of the breathalyzer, but undergo a medical test at an institution where you will go immediately with a traffic police inspector and the same witnesses.
  10. If a sober driver is incorrectly accused of being under the influence of alcohol, recordings from a DVR or voice recorder can be presented in court. In addition, the medical test, which is considered the most accurate, may also raise doubts about the correct procedure. In this case, you can get checked within a few hours at any medical center with a license and the necessary technical equipment.

Promille is a value that measures the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood or exhaled air. In Russia, you cannot drive if the ppm level exceeds 0.16%.

It is important to remember that alcohol is not eliminated from the body immediately, but over the course of a day (sometimes longer); the result is also affected by the use of medications and food. For violations of the law, you can expect deprivation of your driver's license and large fines.

To avoid becoming a victim of a traffic police inspector, be calm during the inspection, do not agree to solve the problem on the spot, pay attention to all the details of the procedure.

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Permissible blood alcohol limit in the workplace

Contents: Since 2013, the concept of permissible ppm of alcohol in the blood has been returned to Russia.

Let’s look into what this concept means and what it is connected with.

the average man, weighing about 80 kilograms, after drinking a bottle of weak beer (0.5 l), can get behind the wheel no earlier than two hours later, and if the beer was strong, then after three; 100 grams of vodka will be delayed for three hours, and 300 - for eleven; large doses of strong alcohol force you to delay your trip for at least seventeen hours.

the driver’s refusal to undergo an on-site examination; if there is reason to believe that the driver is intoxicated, despite negative test results on the spot; if the driver is suspected of committing a crime against road safety.

Please note - without the traffic police inspector carrying out the necessary measures on site, that is, without a protocol and breathalyzer data or the driver’s refusal to undergo examination, also documented, a referral to a medical specialist will be sent.

examination is illegal.

As for the examination by the traffic police officer, he can stop you based on the following signs: change in skin color; If the breathalyzer shows less than the permissible 0.3 ppm, then you may be released, but you may also be sent for a medical examination. You should not refuse it - this can provoke automatic deprivation of rights.

Despite the rather harsh penalties, the latter can be strengthened. Proposals are being considered to increase the amount of fines to 500 thousand and lifelong deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle.

.M.) (“Trade Expert”, 2008, n 5) DISMISSAL OF AN EMPLOYEE WHO IS IN A STATE OF ALCOHOL INTOXICATION Guilty behavior of an employee is a serious violation of labor discipline.

In this regard, clause 6, part 1, art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for such grounds for dismissal as a single gross violation by an employee of his labor duties. Dismissal of an employee for absenteeism According to paragraph.

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