What overload is critical for a passenger car?

Vehicle Loading Capacity

Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001.

See what “Carrying Capacity of a Vehicle” is in other dictionaries:

The carrying capacity of a vehicle is the weight of the cargo that the vehicle is designed to transport. Source: Guidelines for conducting an independent technical examination of a vehicle under compulsory motor liability insurance (N 001MR/SE) (approved by NIIAT of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on October 12, 2004, ... ... Official terminology

vehicle length - 2.4.1 vehicle length: for vehicles of categories M, N and O: Dimension determined in accordance with 6.1 ISO 612 [1]. In addition to the requirements [1], when determining the length of a vehicle, they should not be taken into account... ... Dictionary of terms of normative and technical documentation

vehicle length - 1. For vehicles of categories M, N and O Size determined in accordance with 6.1 ISO 612 [1]. In addition to the requirements [1], when determining the length of a vehicle, the following devices should not be taken into account: devices... ... Technical Translator's Reference

LOADING CAPACITY - a vehicle (car crane, etc.), the maximum weight of cargo that it is capable of lifting, moving or transporting in one go under certain conditions (see also Deadweight) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Loading capacity - The carrying capacity of a vehicle (wagon, car, ship, aircraft, forklift) is the mass of the cargo that the vehicle is designed to transport; the main operational characteristic of the vehicle. For land... Wikipedia

Bridge load capacity is a characteristic of a bridge determined by the maximum temporary vertical moving load of a certain type (for example, in the form of a car or a uniformly distributed load with a trolley), the impact of which is safe for its carriers ... Construction Dictionary

GOST R 52389-2005: Wheeled vehicles. Masses and sizes. Technical requirements and test methods - Terminology GOST R 52389 2005: Wheeled vehicles. Masses and sizes. Technical requirements and test methods original document: bus: A vehicle of categories M2 and M3, designed and intended... ... Dictionary of terms of regulatory and technical documentation

length - 3.1 length l: The largest linear dimension of the front face of the sample being measured. Source: GOST R EN 822 2008: Thermal insulation products used in construction. Methods for measuring length and width ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

load capacity - and; and. The maximum mass of cargo that can be lifted by a mechanism or transported by a vehicle in one step. Heavy-duty crane. Small ship. * * * lifting capacity of a vehicle (crane, car... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

tonnage - (French tonnage) 1) register capacity of a ship; 2) carrying capacity, cargo capacity of vehicles, transport. New dictionary of foreign words. by EdwART, , 2009. tonnage, pl. no, m. [fr. tonnage]. 1. Weight or volume of the vessel in tons ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

What it is?

In short, this is a value showing how much cargo, including live cargo (passengers), can be safely transported by a car.

As noted, many do not pay attention to this parameter, but in vain. It is extremely important. Several arguments in support:

  1. If the car is overloaded, there is a risk that something will break in it along the way. For example, the suspension elements will not hold up and the tires will burst. In the worst case, this can lead to an accident with serious consequences. At best, you will have to go to a car service center, spend some, most likely, a significant amount of money, and travel for some time by public transport.
  2. There are fines for overloading a vehicle. This will be discussed further in this article.
  3. In some settlements there are areas where the passage of vehicles with a weight exceeding certain parameters is unacceptable. That's not so bad. Special cameras and other equipment are installed that make it possible to detect the offense in question automatically. It’s one thing when, say, a GAZelle truck was discovered by a traffic police officer in the city center. The likelihood of this happening is not that high. It’s another matter when there is a camera at the site and records every violation.

Type of vehicle

Selecting a truck - Type of vehicle

They include transport trucks and special-purpose equipment. The first category is divided into general purpose trucks, transporting various products, excluding liquids, and specialized vehicles, delivering specific goods.

The range of specialized equipment includes:

  • dump trucks;
  • vans (including those transporting animals and birds, food, manufactured goods);
  • transporting building materials;
  • vehicles transporting containers;
  • vehicles transporting long cargo;
  • tanks for transporting solutions, chemical and petroleum products, household waste, liquid food, gases.
  • transport vehicles, etc.

And this is only part of a large list of goods that a vehicle can be used to transport.

How to determine?

Let us immediately note that this is quite real. At the same time there is no load capacity indicator in the PTS , but there are other parameters that will help calculate what load is permissible for a particular vehicle.

How to find out the vehicle class?

To do this, you need to carefully look at the first page of the PTS, where all the important information about the car is indicated. Points 2 and 3 contain information about the class. It is denoted by a Latin letter and a word. For example: “B, cars.”

The class information does not disclose exact payload figures . But we can already draw certain conclusions. For example, if it is indicated that the car is a passenger car, then, obviously, it will not be able to carry 3 tons of cargo, because the permissible maximum weight for “passenger cars” is only 3.5 tons.

In addition, there are restrictions on passengers - no more than 8 people per car. However, everything is fine with classes when it comes to domestic transport. Data provided by the manufacturer is used. If the car is delivered from some other country, then the class is determined by customs.

Mistakes happen. A large passenger car may be classified as a truck, which, obviously, will not correspond to reality.

Determining the permissible weight of the vehicle

The car's passport contains paragraphs 14 and 15, which indicate the weight of the car . In the first - no load. In the second - the allowed maximum. What are these indicators?

Unloaded weight is the weight of the vehicle ready for travel: taking into account the weight of all technical fluids and the driver. By the way, the standard weight of one person - driver or passenger - is determined to be 75 kilograms. This is the European norm. Previously, in Russia they used the old Soviet norm - 80 kilograms.

Calculate the difference between the indicators

Knowing the above parameters, you can calculate the vehicle's carrying capacity . To do this, subtract the unloaded weight from the permitted maximum weight.

More about the Soviet Union: in the country sour cream was sold by weight. You could come with your own jar. She was weighed. Then they weighed the jar filled with sour cream. The mass of the jar was subtracted from the total weight. And the mass of the product was determined. Same with a car. The unladen weight must be subtracted from the permissible maximum weight. The result will be an indicator of carrying capacity.

What is load capacity

It is a value showing how many things, people, animals, can be safely transported by vehicles.

To calculate the carrying capacity of a vehicle, at the development stage, the manufacturer calculates and tests elements separately from each other, prepared components, and then the entire vehicle as a whole.

The load-carrying capacity parameter is important because if it is not taken into account, the risk of breakdown increases. There are several supporting facts:

  • If the car is heavily loaded, there is a risk of damage to the suspension and tires.
  • Overloading may result in penalties.
  • Some cities have road sections with a ban on the passage of vehicles with a carrying capacity higher than the required limit.

Every car owner should know about the maximum weight of his vehicle model, how much it can carry and transport.

How to determine the carrying capacity of a car

This will be easy to do using the vehicle’s passport, although there is no direct information on this issue, but it is possible to analyze and calculate the load capacity step by step.

Find out the vehicle class

You need to take a vehicle passport and look at its class. It is printed in paragraphs 2 and 3 of the first page of the technical document . It is important to know that the type displayed in the passport may almost not correspond to reality, especially for foreign cars.

If we talk about a passenger vehicle, then its main class is “B”. Some “C” class cars can also be passenger vehicles.

With Russian manufacturers everything is simple, because the car class is encrypted in the code by the manufacturer (2nd digit after the symbol).

  1. Car look.
  2. Bus type.
  3. Cargo type.
  4. Tractor.
  5. Dump truck.
  6. Tank.
  7. Trucks.
  8. Special transport.

Passenger transport can be related to two categories - 2 and 3, i.e. minivan-minibus and pickup truck.

An example of classification for UAZ vehicles:

  • “Hunter Welcome” (passenger car - second digit “one”);
  • “Tablet” (bus—second digit “two”);
  • “Onboard UAZ” (truck - the second number is “three”).

VAZs have the same classification principle. But for foreign vehicles (vehicles with the largest weight up to three and a half thousand kilograms), classes are established by Russian customs.

At customs points, specialists make a mistake by including the driver’s seat in the payload, because is not a passenger seat. And the highest permissible weight is calculated only in kg.

Regarding customs rules, if the carrying capacity is not more than three and a half thousand kilograms, and there are no more than eight available seats, then the vehicle is classified as a passenger vehicle.

If the conditional weight of all seats with the driver's car seat included is less than in the PTS document, then the customs point specialists will do so.

Class information does not provide exact payload figures. But it is possible to draw some conclusions.

For example, if there is information that the car is a passenger car, then it is clear that it will not take three tons of cargo, because the maximum permitted load capacity for passenger cars is only three and a half thousand tons.

Determination of permitted mass

The car passport includes points fourteen and fifteen. They contain the mass of the machine:

  1. In 1 – load is not taken into account.
  2. In 2 – the highest allowed.

What is the meaning of these parameters? Weight, without taking into account the load, is the carrying capacity of the vehicle, taking into account additionally the weight of all technical type containers and the driver.

At the same time, according to the standard, the carrying capacity of one person is calculated at 75 kg - the normal value in the European Union. Previously, in the Russian Federation, a norm of about 80 kg was used.

Permitted maximum vehicle weight is a simple concept. This parameter displays how much a certain car can weigh (maximum) along with luggage in the form of various cargo.

Can it be changed?

This issue needs to be considered from two aspects:

  1. Increased load capacity.
  2. Error correction.

If we are talking about the first case, then the only option is to make changes to the design of the car.

These changes must be consistent and safe. Naturally, you will have to contact an expert institution to obtain an opinion that the car can be operated taking into account changes to the design. You will need to contact the traffic police to change the data in the PTS and in the CoR TS .

Note that there are not many chances to drive a modified car. The traffic police does not welcome changes to vehicle parameters. In principle, this is quite logical.

If, say, at customs, some mistake was made - for example, the maximum permitted weight was incorrectly indicated, then you need to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. You should contact the traffic police with a request to conduct an examination.
  2. By the appointed time, you need to drive the car to the place of examination.

A competent specialist, using special equipment, will determine the unloaded weight of the vehicle and the permissible maximum weight. If an error occurs, changes will be made to the PTS and STS .

Fine for overloading a car

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation contains articles 12.21 and 12.23. The first of them concerns violation of the rules for the transportation of goods, the second - the rules for the transportation of passengers. But the responsibility is the same - a fine of 500 rubles. True, a more serious fine may be imposed for violating the rules for transporting people. But this already applies to special cases, for example, transportation of children, and special subjects - officials, etc.

It seems that it is necessary not to violate legislation in the field of transportation of goods, not because you can get a fine for it, but because such actions jeopardize road safety.

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Overload penalty

A fine for a driver transporting more cargo than is allowed in accordance with the vehicle documents is imposed under Part 7 of Article 12.21 of the Administrative Code. He will pay 500 rubles because he violated the following rule:

The weight of the transported cargo and the load distribution along the axles must not exceed the values ​​​​established by the manufacturer for this vehicle.

A minor penalty doesn't stop some motorists from overloading. And in vain, because a car loaded with more than it can transport obeys the driver less well, does not maneuver quickly enough, and may fall on its side when braking. This is many times greater than the danger of travel for anyone who finds themselves on the same road with such a car.

VIN decoding. Identification (verification) by VIN code

The load is not as dangerous as its incorrect placement

When loading things, it is important to stack them correctly.

If there are 5 passengers in the cabin, then the load on each of the axles falls evenly and the center of gravity remains in the normal position, that is, approximately between the driver’s and passenger’s seats. However, if you throw half a ton of construction tiles into the trunk and drive alone, the center of gravity will shift significantly back. The front wheels will rise, and the car will be much less responsive to the steering wheel. And this threatens loss of controllability.

Sometimes roof racks help out. But they also have limitations on carrying capacity. They are allowed to carry luggage with a total weight of up to 100 kg. If you fix something heavier there, there is a risk of damaging the roof pillars and not only them.

Many argue that a strong car is capable of carrying much more weight than indicated on the vehicle's registration certificate, and they are right. Manufacturers calculate bodies and suspensions based on the possibility of temporary overweight. Passenger cars can sometimes withstand single trips even with 700 kg on board. However, the advantage is not at all dangerous for hardware and technology. It significantly affects the handling of the car, which is deadly for the people inside.

An overloaded car is prone to skidding. A shifted center of gravity distorts wheel loading and makes it uneven. On waves of asphalt, on bumps or in long turns, the car runs the risk of doing something enchanting. And such cases always happen unexpectedly. A slight blow on a bump, a dynamic wave on the body, inept steering actions - and a sudden deep skid can end in a ditch.

In addition, if there is a large load on the roof, there is a risk of the vehicle overturning.

Large dimensions on the roof

Traffic rules regulate the transportation of large cargo. Especially if they are pipes or boards. Articles 23.1-23.5 oblige the driver to securely secure luggage and try not to block the view. The state registration plate and lighting devices must not be blocked. This is why it is prohibited to drive many cars with the trunk open, since it is all located on the back cover.

Still protruding parts of large cargo should not exceed a distance of 0.4 m on the sides. Moreover, it is measured not from the sides, but from the edge of the side light, that is, from the headlight. If the load is wider, then it is necessary to hang reflectors and reflective signs on it. It is important to remember that the total width of the load should not exceed 2.55 m.

You cannot hang a load from the front, as it will block your view. But behind the boards or a bundle of connected pipes must be fastened so that the rear ends swing behind the bumper no further than two meters. If the distance is shorter, then you can drive, but first post the “Large Load” sign. At night, the rules require that cargo be marked with reflective devices.

Violators of these traffic rules are punished in accordance with Article 12.21 of the Administrative Code. Part 1 (fine of 500 rubles).

Rooftop transportation

When excess weight is placed on the roof, the center of gravity moves backward and upward, which increases the leverage of the force and, with lateral overloads, causes tipping pressure on the vehicle. At high speeds in sharp turns, the car runs the risk of overturning. Therefore, manufacturers limit the weight that can be placed on the roof to 50 kg. There is a high risk of an accident if you place 150 kg there.

In addition, there are special rules for transporting large cargo. Paragraph 23.4 of the traffic rules states: “A load protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle in front or behind by more than 1 m or from the side by more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light must be marked with the identification marks “Large load”. In the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition to the sign, it is indicated in front by a lantern or a white reflector, and at the rear by a lantern or a red reflector.”

According to Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, “violation of the rules for the carriage of goods, as well as the rules of towing, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.”

How is a car's carrying capacity calculated?

The vehicle's carrying capacity is the difference between its gross weight (with contents and people) and its unladen weight. It is calculated by subtracting the second indicator from the first, both numbers are indicated in the PTS by the vehicle manufacturer. A passenger car can transport a maximum of 2.5 tons, a truck - over 8 tons, and a road train - up to 28 tons.

Sometimes the carrying capacity indicated in the PTS does not correspond to the real one; it can be more or less than this value. Then it’s worth making a change to the document by contacting the traffic police and identifying the real indicator with the help of an examination. Otherwise, the driver will receive a fine of 500 rubles for overloading.

How to determine the carrying capacity of a car using the vehicle title

The registration certificate is the most important document of the car. The form contains the main technical parameters of the vehicle. Among other indicators, the technical documentation contains information about carrying capacity. To determine this value, the following actions will be required from the car enthusiast:

  • find out the class of the car and apply it to the resulting calculation result;
  • find in the technical passport information about the maximum permissible load of the machine and unloaded weight;
  • determine the difference between the above indicators.

If, based on the results of calculations, it turns out that the car belongs to the category of passenger transport, and the technical documentation is marked “Truck”, then you should go to the traffic police.

If the results of the examination confirm the calculations, this will be the basis for reducing the transport tax payment.

Traffic police officers should submit an application for an examination to calculate the curb weight. The paper is supported by the car owner’s civil passport and a certificate of state registration of the car.

If traffic police officers give permission, then the motorist should go to the laboratory for testing. It consists of employees measuring the load distributed on the axles of the vehicle. The test is carried out using special equipment that allows you to determine the required indicators while the vehicle is moving at speeds of up to 5 km/h.

If, based on the test results, it is revealed that the weight of the car without luggage, indicated in the technical documentation, does not correspond to the results of laboratory measurements, then you should again go to the traffic police. They should submit an application to make adjustments to the registration certificate and the results of the tests performed.

Based on the submitted papers and calculations, the motorist will be issued a new registration form. The columns indicating the class of the vehicle and its curb weight must be adjusted. If the category of the car changes downwards, the car owner will save on tax payments, since for freight transport they are significantly higher.


Important Terms

To understand the term “carrying capacity”, several more concepts related to it are important:

  • Dry weight

    . This is the weight of the car without additional elements (gasoline and other liquids, spare parts, tools necessary for the operation of the equipment), driver, passengers, cargo.
  • Curb weight (in PTS it is designated as “weight without load”). This is the weight of the vehicle with all the components that ensure its performance.

This includes fuel, antifreeze, other liquid components, spare parts, and tools necessary to maintain functionality. In some European countries, the curb weight also includes the weight of the driver, because without it the car cannot be driven.

  • Gross weight (in the PTS it is written “permitted maximum weight”). This is the weight of the car when it is refueled, there is a driver, passengers, cargo, and luggage in it. To calculate the indicator, the manufacturer uses the maximum permissible pressure on the axle.

Nominal and maximum vehicle load capacity

The maximum load capacity of a vehicle is the largest mass of contents that it can transport without harm to its own technical condition, controllability, and maneuverability. The indicator characteristic of different categories of machines has different values:

The rated maximum load capacity is calculated based on data from the vehicle title, that is, it is actually determined by the vehicle manufacturer. But the real value of this indicator also depends on the quality of the road. On a good road surface, a car can sometimes carry much more than what is indicated in the documents. A bad road will not allow the vehicle to move even the weight that the manufacturer established in sections 14 and 15 of the PTS.

How to determine the carrying capacity of a car step by step according to PTS

There are two ways to determine the carrying capacity of a car or truck. The first is based on establishing the vehicle class, it is less accurate. The second allows you to find out the actual maximum indicator based on other technical parameters:

  • According to the PTS, the carrying capacity is determined very approximately. In columns 3 and 4 of the first page of the document you need to find the name and category of the machine. There they write whether it is a passenger car or a truck, and also indicate the class. But when defining the second point, confusion may arise. If the car is domestic, then the “passenger car” is always B or C. The first one is more modest in size and weight, so it will obviously take less cargo.

A foreign passenger car can also be designated D, F, E, this depends on the power and size of the car. The larger they are, the higher the load capacity. And for a truck it will be greater than for a passenger car. And for special equipment it is higher than for a bus. But it is still impossible to find out the exact value of the carrying capacity for these parameters from the PTS.

  • The indicator can be calculated using information from sections 14 and 15 of the document . The first indicates the permitted maximum weight, the second indicates the same weight, but without load. To find out how much weight the car can carry, you need to subtract the second from the first number. For example, a category C van has a maximum weight of 10,424 kg and an unladen weight of 6,475 kg. This means that it is capable of transporting at most 3949 kg. This is its carrying capacity.

Watch this video on how to read PTS correctly:

Loading capacity of a road train: how to calculate, can it be changed?

The load capacity of a road train depends on the type of trailer hitch and the number of axles under load. For the most part, this is a tractor unit with an axle of two paired elements and a three-axle trailer. To determine the load capacity, you need to take into account the maximum permitted load on the part. It is also important that, according to the law, the total weight of the road train must not exceed:

  • 28 t if it is triaxial;
  • 36 t for four-axle;
  • 40 tons if it is five-axle;
  • 44 tons with six axles and more.

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Car load capacity

The maximum weight of cargo that can be taken on a road train is calculated in the same way as for other vehicles. If the tractor weighs 7 tons, the semi-trailer will “pull” the same amount, then the unloaded weight will be 14 tons. For a four-axle road train, the loaded weight should be up to 36 tons. This means that the maximum load capacity of the road train is 22 tons (36-14). Contents of less weight can be transported on such transport, but contents of more weight cannot be transported.

Car tonnage: what does large-tonnage and small-tonnage mean?

The tonnage of vehicles directly depends on their category and dimensions; according to this criterion, transport can be:

  • Small-tonnage . These are vehicles with a dead weight of less than 3.5 tons. Typically, their carrying capacity is no more than 2.5 tons. This includes passenger cars and small trucks designed for moving small quantities of goods or property over short distances. These are, for example, “Gazelle”, “Hyundai Porter”, “Kia Bongo”, “Baw Fenix”. The cabin and body of such cars are supported on the same frame, hence the impossibility of increasing the weight of the transported contents.
  • Average . These are vehicles with a tonnage of 1.5-8 tons, having a mass of 3.5-12 tons. These include Valdai, KamAZ, MAZ, ISUZU and other similar models. This type of truck is used by almost all chain stores in Russia, since the vehicle is capable of moving large amounts of content over considerable distances, and it is allowed to use any roads, even the Moscow Ring Road.
  • Large-capacity . This is a vehicle weighing more than 12 tons, capable of carrying 8 tons of cargo. The cars are used to form road trains, since they rarely represent a single structure with a body. These are tractors and platforms to which trailers and containers are attached.
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