What law regulates the rules for crossing railroad crossings? To ensure an increased level of safety when crossing
Why do you need a policy? How OSAGO stands for must be understood literally. Those. liability is insured
Now you don't have to stand in line to get your driving license, because you can go
Road traffic accidents (RTAs) occur frequently on Russian roads, but due to ignorance of one’s own rights,
Good afternoon, dear reader. From September 5, 2021, a new Directive of the Bank of Russia is in effect
Chapter 28 of Section IX of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (abbreviated as Tax Code of the Russian Federation), as well as regional
Despite the fact that the traffic rules clearly indicate how a motorist should act on public
What is a notification in case of an accident? The document, which is the basis for the settlement of traffic disputes, is drawn up by everyone
Who are MADI? First you need to decipher the abbreviation: MADI is the Moscow Administrative Road
Law on OSAGO The policy is mandatory for legal driving, just like a driver’s license.