Internal/Corporate exam


  • How the driving school exam works Theory
  • Practice
  • How to pass the exam at a driving school
  • Is it possible to take exams at another driving school?
  • Driving school exam deadlines
  • What you need to pass successfully
  • An exam in a driving school is a kind of training for a cadet before the main exam in the traffic police. Here he will have to overcome his anxiety and demonstrate the acquired knowledge and skills in front of the staff of the educational institution. And the administration of the driving school must make sure that the student is ready to pass the traffic police exam.

    How is the exam done at a driving school?

    There are no general federal requirements for conducting an internal examination. Often it is carried out according to the internal regulations of the driving school itself.

    The internal exam scheme is similar to the traffic police exam. First, the cadet performs a theory knowledge test. Then he shows his driving skills on the race track. Then he leaves for the city.

    The theoretical knowledge and practical training of the student are assessed by the director of the driving school, who will be replaced by a traffic police instructor at the external exam.

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    Typically, to pass the internal theory exam, you need to solve 3 to 5 tickets, each containing 20 questions. That is, the total number of questions can be about one hundred. In this case, only 1 error is allowed.

    The examiner may ask the cadet to complete an additional task, for example: explain in writing the meaning of markings and signs, talk about the design of the vehicle, or answer additional questions on medicine.

    Also read: Secrets to successfully passing the theory exam at the traffic police


    driving school

    It is divided into two stages: performing elements on the racetrack and demonstrating driving skills in urban conditions.

    At the race track, the cadet must demonstrate successful completion of all exercises, namely:

    • Check into the garage. Passing this standard involves entering a certain limited space that simulates a parking space or garage. Successful execution is counted if the car is standing inside a limited space and no part of it protrudes beyond its limits.
    • Parallel parking, or “mother-in-law’s pocket.” It is necessary to drive in reverse into a certain space marked with chips or flags. Simulates parking between two cars. Ideal execution implies the location of the car within the boundaries of the marked space, while not a single part of it should protrude beyond the designated boundaries.
    • Snake. The exercise teaches you to feel the dimensions of the car. It is necessary to drive around all the signs (cones, flags) without dropping any, and not to go beyond the structure. You seem to be moving along a corridor, quickly turning the steering wheel from the extreme left to the extreme right.
    • Turning around in a confined space. To perform this figure, you need to perform a 180 degree turn in the marked space. This is a kind of imitation of a U-turn in a yard full of cars. A useful skill that will certainly come in handy in the future.
    • Overpass . The exercise simulates the start of a car moving at an angle. This is a very useful skill when driving in the city. A car drives uphill onto an overpass and stops at an angle. Then you need to put the car on the handbrake. Then you need to move off without rolling back and completely drive over the overpass, sliding down from it.

    After passing the circuit, the cadet goes to the city with an instructor. This is an imitation of the final part of passing to the traffic police - going into the city with a traffic police inspector. After passing this stage of the internal exam, a final decision is made on whether the cadet will be admitted or not admitted to the state exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

    The internal examination is usually formal in nature. Almost all students are allowed to take the external exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

    If, nevertheless, the cadet is not allowed to take the exam, you can take a document confirming completion of training from the driving school and try to pass the exam at the traffic police privately. In this case, you will not be tied to a group from a driving school.

    Also read: How to pass the test at the race track

    Internal exam

    The time it takes to complete the internal driving test route for students of the driving school at the Presidential Academy is no more than 20 minutes.

    The main elements: starting from a stop, testing driving skills, changing lanes, overtaking (getting ahead), driving through intersections (controlled and non-regulated), turning around, driving through pedestrian crossings, driving through sections of the road with a speed limit of less than 20 km/h, stopping.

    Penalty table

    Common mistakesTraffic rulesPoints
    A. Rough
    1.1. Did not provide an advantage in traffic to drivers of vehicles having such right (created an obstacle) 3.2, 8.1, 8.3-8.5, 8.8, 8.9, 11.7, 13.4-13.6, 3.8, 13.9, 13.11, 13.12, 15.1, 18.1, 18.35
    1.2. Did not provide priority in traffic to pedestrians and (or) cyclists who have such a right 8.3, 13.1, 14.1-14.3, 14.5, 14.65
    1.3. Drifted into oncoming traffic or tram tracks in the opposite direction 8.6, 9.2, 9.3, 9.6, 9.85
    1.4. Driving through a prohibiting traffic light or traffic controller signal 6.2-6.5, 6.7, 6.9, 6.105
    1.5. Did not comply with the requirements of priority signs, prohibitory and mandatory signs Annex 15
    1.6. Crossed the stop line (marking 1.12) when there was a sign 2.5 or when there was a prohibiting traffic light signal (traffic controller) 6.13, Appendix 25
    1.7. Violated the overtaking rules 11.1-11.55
    1.8. Violated the U-turn rules 8.8, 8.115
    1.9. Before turning right, left or making a U-turn, did not take the appropriate position on the roadway, taking into account clause 8.7 8.55
    1.10. Violated the rules for reversing 8.125
    1.11 Violated the rules for crossing railway crossings15.1-15.4, 12.45
    1.12. Did not take possible measures to reduce speed, even to a complete stop, if there was a danger to traffic 10.15
    1.13. Action or inaction of a driver candidate that necessitated intervention in the process of driving an examination vehicle in order to prevent the occurrence of an accident 5
    B. Average
    2.1. Violated stopping rules 2.1, 12.2, 12.4, 12.7, 12.83
    2.2. Did not signal with a turn signal before starting to move, change lanes, or turn (turn) 8.13
    2.3. Did not comply with the requirements of information signs, road markings (except for markings 1.3, 1.12 of Appendix 2 to the traffic rules) Appendices 1, 23
    2.4. Did not use hazard warning lights or warning triangles when required 7.1, 7.23
    2.5. Entered the intersection when a traffic jam had formed, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction 13.23
    B. Small
    3.1. Didn't fasten your seat belt 2.1.21
    3.2. Failure to turn on and turn off the turn signal in a timely manner 8.21
    3.3. Violated the rules for placing a vehicle on the roadway 9.3, 9.4, 9.7-9.101
    3.4. Selected driving speed without taking into account road and meteorological conditions 10.11
    3.5. Moved unnecessarily at too low a speed 10.41
    3.6. Braked sharply when there was no need to prevent an accident 10.41
    3.7. Violated the rules for using external lighting devices and sound signals 19.1-19.5, 19.81
    3.8. Inattentive towards other vehicles 1
    3.9. Uses vehicle controls unconfidently, does not ensure smooth movement and braking 1
    3.10 Does not use rear view mirrors1
    3.11 Allowed the wheels of the vehicle to lock when performing emergency braking1
    3.12. Other traffic violations 1

    How to pass the exam at a driving school

    Let's talk about what you need to pay attention to in order to pass the internal exam at a driving school.

    Evgeny Loginov, head of the car selection company “My Expert”:

    “These mistakes are banal and simple... Often it is inattention. It happens that students simply do not learn the theory and pass it at random. This is bad, because even if you don’t know, you can memorize this little book of 30 pages and answer with knowledge! Then the journey will be easier, and there will be no fear for the passengers.”

    Pay special attention to the elements that are difficult for you on the race track and in the theoretical part. The internal exam is usually more difficult to pass than the external one. This was done intentionally so that the student could easily answer 20 questions at the state exam and confidently drive around the city, having previously passed the race track.

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    How is the internal exam conducted at a driving school?

    • Passing the theoretical part of the internal exam at a driving school usually includes 40 questions and contains topics related to traffic rules, vehicle design, rules of medical care and principles of safe driving. Delivery is carried out either through a computer.
    • Passing the practical part of driving on a race track requires the student to perform such actions as parallel parking, overpass, turning in a limited space, snake, and driving backwards into a pit.
    • The internal city driving test is the most difficult, since all knowledge and skills have to be applied in real life. Instructors who taught driving are not allowed to conduct the test. As a result, the submission process may be much stricter. For this reason, there is a widespread rumor that a student may be “failed” at the last stage of the internal exam at a driving school.

    To assign grades, the List of Errors and Violations is used, which is used when checking driving skills at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

    Is it possible to take exams at another driving school?

    driving school

    It happens that a driving school does not suit a cadet. You are taught poorly, your hours are not rolled back, you are not allowed to take classes in the city for a long time, you have not personally gotten along with the driving instructor, and the administration does not take any steps. And the time to pass the internal exam is getting closer and closer. And you understand that you will not pass the internal exam. What to do in such a situation? Is it possible to take the internal exam at another driving school? Unfortunately no.

    If you are trained in one driving school, you cannot take the internal exam in another. The only thing that can be done in such a situation is to pick up the documents and go to study again at another driving school and take the internal exam there.

    Also read: What documents are needed for enrollment in a driving school

    Stages of conducting an internal exam in a driving school

    Malyshev Sergey Petrovich

    Malyshev Sergey Petrovich

    Major of the traffic police special regiment for St. Petersburg

    Ask a Question

    The test, which all trainees at a driving school must pass to obtain a license, is necessary to determine the level of training of cadets in the theoretical fundamentals of driving and the ability to operate a vehicle, as well as to prepare them for the traffic police exam.

    The internal exam in any driving school is divided into three main stages:

    1. Theoretical exam, which includes the theory of traffic rules. According to the rules, it is allowed to make 1 mistake in answering a question in 10 tickets.
    2. Practical driving on the driving school site: seven exercises are included here - all of them must be completed 100%, without errors or violations.
    3. Driving a vehicle in the city. The permissible number of penalty points should be no more than 4, that is, the cadet must pass this part of the internal exam almost perfectly.

    All three stages of passing the internal exam at a driving school are usually passed with more stringent requirements than when passing exams at the traffic police.

    This gives confidence in a positive assessment when passing examination tests at the traffic police.

    Driving school exam deadlines

    Exams usually last about two days. That is, the first exam in a driving school is theory, and the next day - the race track and the city.

    If you fail, you can try again in 1-2 days. If you successfully passed the theory, but failed the stage, you only retake the circuit.

    Typically, the internal exam is scheduled for the morning and takes place on average before lunch. The number of retakes is not limited, but you must pass the internal exam within three years. Otherwise, you will need to complete the training again.

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    Stages of passing the exam at a driving school

    The internal exam at a driving school is divided into 3 stages and the procedure is the same as when passing the traffic police:

    • Exam on knowledge of traffic rules theory. Most driving schools have conditions for admission to the traffic police exam; this is 1 error out of 10 exam tickets.
    • Internal driving test on a motor racing track. At the race track, seven tasks are given, and the tightening of the testing rules means that at least six, or even all seven tasks, must be passed. Penalty points, depending on the driving school, may not be taken into account. To pass the exam on the race track, you need to complete 100% of all exercises in 5 laps.
    • Taking an internal test when driving in the city. There may also be more stringent requirements than when passing the test at the traffic police. The number of allowed penalty points often does not exceed 4. This means that you may not pass the exam until you can drive around the city almost perfectly.

    Video: How the new traffic police exam will work

    What you need to pass successfully


    Tatyana Varlamova, founder of the Auto-Chance driving school, Yekaterinburg:

    “The main thing is driving practice. The instructor teaches the cadet how to move and, most importantly, how to think while driving. The driver must think 70% for himself and 30% for the situation on the road. In the last classes before passing, the teacher gives the student the same commands that he will have to perform in the exam, so that he is ready and can cope with them. During an external exam, even a perfectly prepared student can become confused. But the most important thing is not to be nervous. Perhaps this would be the advice. A lot depends on this.”

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