How to correctly install the SPIKES sign on the rear window of a car in accordance with traffic regulations, according to GOST: placement rules. How to make the SPIKES sign yourself: dimensions according to GOST, color and black and white templates for printing

The “Spikes” sign is needed so that other road users can see that the vehicle has studded tires.

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Every driver who changed summer tires to winter tires was required to stick this sign on his car. This way other road users could see this information and take it into account.

But in reality, not all drivers followed this rule, although from 2021 until recently it was mandatory.

Is a sign required?

Dmitry Medvedev has already signed a decree according to which the “Spikes” sticker can be affixed voluntarily from December 8, 2021, and there will no longer be fines for its absence. According to the Prime Minister, this sign has lost its relevance, and the dynamic characteristics of the car are now largely influenced by other factors.

Where to put the “Spikes” sign?

Clause 8 of the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Participate in Road Traffic contains a phrase that obliges the installation of a sign warning about the presence of spikes “at the rear of the vehicle.” Accordingly, the choice of location for its placement will be limited to the surfaces of the rear window, trunk lid and bumper.

From a practical point of view, glass would be the best choice, since it is smaller than the trunk lid and bumper and is susceptible to contamination - a sign stained with dirt will simply not be visible. In addition, the paper product itself will last much longer if it is glued to the inside of the glass.

The current traffic rules do not provide for any sanctions for an unsuccessfully chosen place to place the “Spikes” sign, so the driver must fulfill only two basic requirements:

  1. Have a sign made in accordance with GOST (size, color design).
  2. Place it at the rear of the vehicle.

Important! Experienced motorists always place the “Spikes” sign in a visible place and make sure that it is visible to other road users. Otherwise, it will not fulfill its role - to warn road users about the dangers caused by installing spikes on wheels. It must be remembered that anyone can find themselves in the driver’s seat following a car with studded tires, and such a situation will always be associated with the risk of damage to the body and windshield due to flying stones or the studs themselves.

Dimensions and self-production

It is not necessary to buy a sticker, you can make it yourself, the main thing is to comply with all the requirements.

One side of the triangle must be at least 20 cm, the width of the red border must be at least 2 centimeters.

On the Internet you can easily find ready-made options that you can print and stick on your car. You shouldn’t take regular paper, because it’s not thick at all and will quickly become unusable due to weather conditions and precipitation. It is better to choose photo paper with a higher density that will withstand wet snow, wind and other winter challenges.

If you only have a black and white printer, you can color in the red border yourself using a red waterproof marker.

Is it necessary to put a spike sign on your car?

In March 2021, the Road Traffic Rules were supplemented with changes, which in particular relate to the mandatory installation of a spike sign by the driver on vehicles with appropriate tires. This requirement for drivers was introduced by Decree of the Government of Russia dated March 24, 2021 No. 333 “On amendments to Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090.” You can find the full text of this document on our website using the link in the next section. To consider the topic of the mandatory installation of a spike sign, we need paragraph b) of paragraph 2 of the approved changes to the Rules of the Road - it is highlighted in red below.

paragraph b) of paragraph 2 of Amendments to the Traffic Regulations

What lies behind these complex legal terms and references to the Council of Ministers and what does the thorn sign have to do with it?! Let's start with the fact that the Road Traffic Rules contain the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation. Paragraph 8 of which states that special identification marks must be installed on the car, including the spike sign.

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Further, the Basic Provisions have an appendix, where the law establishes a list of faults and conditions under which it is prohibited to operate the car. Along with the requirements for the steering and braking systems in this appendix, in section 7 “Other elements”, the above-mentioned Government Resolution No. 333 introduced clause 7.15 (1), which states that it is prohibited to operate a vehicle on which identification marks are not installed, including the spike sign, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation.

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Where to glue according to the rules?

The “Spikes” sign is attached to the rear of the car - this wording is used in traffic regulations.

You can stick it on the bumper, door and even on the trunk lid if it gets in the way on the glass and blocks your view.

But usually the sticker is placed in the upper right corner of the glass, since it is very easy to miss in other places. The sign can be placed on the outside or inside of the glass, but only if the glass is not tinted.

There are options attached to suction cups; they are considered the most reliable and practical.

It is best if the triangle has one suction cup in each corner, this will hold it tighter.

You can also use a sticker, but in this case, after peeling off, an unsightly mark may remain on the glass. Moreover, the sign on the suction cups can be used for many seasons in a row, and the sticker is designed for only one use.

Installation of the Spikes sign according to traffic regulations

It was said above that the Studded Tires sign is necessary to warn other road users that the car is equipped with studded tires. The amendments to the traffic rules contain a rule stipulating that this sticker must be installed on the vehicle if the car has studded tires. The main purpose of putting a sign on a car is to warn drivers about the shortened braking distance and the need to maintain a maximum distance.

Where to glue

There is no strict standard for the placement of the badge, but the vehicle operating rules roughly indicate where to place the Spikes sign. The sticker should be placed on the rear window of the car (if we are talking about a passenger car), and it should be clearly visible to other road users. The exact location of the icon can be adjusted at your discretion and depending on the characteristics of the vehicle.

A motorist has the right to use not only a purchased badge, but also a homemade badge, which can be downloaded from the Internet and printed on a color printer. This attribute sticks well with double-sided tape, and the sign should be laminated first. There are other options for fixing the badge on the car, for example, using suction cups (then the triangle can be used many times and there will be no traces of glue left after removal).

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Dimensions of the sign according to GOST

If a car owner makes a triangle himself, he must adhere to certain traffic police requirements. According to GOST, the sign must:

  • look like a white triangle with a red border and a black letter “Ш” in the center;
  • be dense, for which the triangle is printed on special photographic paper (the optimal density indicator is 120-150);
  • be glued in a place visible to other road users.

What are the dimensions of the Spikes sign according to GOST? Each cocked hat should be at least 20 centimeters, and the optimal width of the red frill is 10 times less than the side of the figure (at least 2 cm). As a rule, car dealerships sell stickers of the required size. There is no point in purchasing and gluing a small triangle, since legally it will not be considered valid, and the driver may be fined in this regard.

What does the spike sign inform road users about?

At first glance, this question may seem somewhat strange. However, it is important to remember that it not only simply informs other drivers that you have studded tires, but also warns them that the presence of studs on the wheels significantly reduces the braking distance of the car in front in slippery conditions. This means that the driver behind you must keep a greater distance to avoid crashing into your car when braking sharply.

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That's not all. Studded tires can be of very different quality, and therefore the studs may fly out from under the wheels of the car in front. Motorists following behind must be warned - if they do not want to get a hard object in the windshield, then they should stay away from the car with the spike sign.

What if I have Velcro and in the warm season?

If you do not use studded tires, then the presence of this identification mark on your car is not necessary. As for the seasonal factor, the only rule you need to remember is that the corresponding sign on the car must appear simultaneously with the installation of studded wheels on it.

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It is worth remembering that the use of summer tires in the Russian Federation is prohibited by law in the winter season, as is driving on studded tires in the summer. The rest of the year is left to the discretion of the drivers themselves, who must be guided by local weather conditions. In addition, regional officials, taking into account the climatic conditions of the area, can, by their local laws, increase or shorten the period of operation of summer and winter tires. After all, everyone understands that the duration of winter in the Stavropol Territory and in Chukotka is completely different.

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How and where to glue the thorn sign?

Where to glue the “Spikes” sign
According to paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions on the admission of vehicles to operation of the Road Traffic Rules, the spikes sign looks like an equilateral triangle with a red border. In the center of the triangle there is a large letter “Ш” in black, the background of the sign is white. Its size is quite large, since the identification mark must be clearly visible at a distance of more than 20 meters for road users. You need to glue the spike sign on the rear window of the car, usually in the upper or lower left corner. If the rear windows of the car are tinted, then it is imperative to stick it on the outside.

Do you think there will be fewer accidents in winter if everyone with studded tires sticks a studded sign on themselves?

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