Entering the garage in reverse (entering the box) at the circuit in 2021

July 23, 2014 764631

In this article we will look at what has changed in the exercise of entering a box in reverse since September 1, 2021 and how to perform it correctly in the traffic police exam.

Now this exercise is called “Moving and maneuvering in reverse, entering the box in reverse . Just like in the new parallel parking, you must not only reverse into the designated space (“box”), but also drive out of the exercise, and only then will it be completed.

There are also other changes, namely:

  • execution time is limited to two minutes;
  • must be performed by engaging reverse gear once;
  • instead of racks there are cones;
  • marking is required.

Some of the dimensions of the exercise have also changed, which makes it a little more difficult to perform. Now the exercise of driving into a box is closer to parking in reverse into a parking lot in the yard or at a store, which significantly increases its practical value.

The essence of the boxing exercise at the race track

It is necessary to study what changes are in effect from 2021. Entering a box in reverse is also called maneuvering and reversing.

The second change is that in the parking lot you not only need to enter correctly without catching anything, but also exit just as successfully. Only in this case will this exercise be considered completed.

Other changes that make up its essence include:

  • presence of mandatory markings,
  • This is done only when reverse gear is engaged once,
  • time limit - only 120 seconds are given,
  • instead of racks, cones are used,
  • The car is now parked closer to the parking lot, which complicates the task and increases the application value.

The main purpose of this exercise is to teach drivers how to drive into a parking space, garage, or between two cars. The bottom line is that often there may not be enough space for free entry, and therefore driving in reverse will be more effective than driving forward.

Let's celebrate! During the test, the person taking the exam shows the inspector the acquired skills without causing damage to his or her nearby car or garage walls.

The essence of the exercise necessarily includes observing the dimensions of the garage or race track. The main ones are considered to be:

  • length of the base vehicle – 4400mm, width – 1800mm:
  • box length – 5400mm,
  • its width is 2800 mm.

If the racetrack has a box of this size, it is possible to pass the exercise in the exam on a car with a length of 4100 mm.

Latest changes to the exercise

Starting from September 2021, the “Garage” exercise at the circuit will be taken taking into account a number of important nuances. If another name does not affect the essence of the maneuver, then a number of other features will have to be taken into account. In order for the task to be counted in the exam, you need to drive into and out of the box. The driver has only 2 minutes to implement the maneuver, and reverse gear is only allowed to be engaged once. If earlier the stands made it easier to assess the situation on the site, now they are replaced by cones. Markings are required.

Another important detail is the reduced size of the site. The exercise under current parameters is similar to conditions in real life, for example, parking near a residential building or in a crowded supermarket parking lot. Therefore, training will be useful in different circumstances.

The length and width of the exam car are 4.4 m and 1.8 m, respectively. The width of the area is 5.4 m, the same distance will have to be covered from the initial position of the car to the box. The width of the conventional garage is 2.8 m, the length is 5.4 m. The length of the vehicle that is allowed for the exam may differ from the specified size. The permissible deviation towards reduction is 30 cm.

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How to perform the exercise “Reversing into the box”? Step-by-step instructions for maneuver and 5 common mistakes

How to drive into the garage correctly - stages of the exercise

It is not always the case that when a driver successfully passes an exam or even receives a long-awaited license, he or she can complete it in his or her own garage without any problems. It may take time to work through.

To do this correctly, you should:

  1. Drive the mirrored right side up to the garage wall as close as possible and turn the steering wheel to the left. At this time, the driver looks in the right mirror, because the distance between the right side of the car and the garage wall can be only 150mm.
  2. After this, the reverse dimensions are turned on, and smooth movement is carried out towards the garage. It is worth noting that in the case of comparing the back door with a garage entrance gate, you need to unscrew the steering wheel.
  3. Then the movement continues. If the car is in the correct position, the driver aligns the wheels and continues moving to the desired position.
  4. The final stage is to set the car to neutral gear speed and secure it with the handbrake.

Exercise garage autodrome step by step 2021

This exercise allows you to evaluate the potential driver's skills when driving and maneuvering in reverse. To complete the task, it is necessary to enter a garage located perpendicular to the trajectory of movement. The maneuver must be performed in an area whose width exceeds the length of the vehicle by one meter.

To successfully complete the exercise, after entering the site, you must stay as close to the garage control line as possible. The procedure is as follows:

  1. When the front wheel is level with the nearest corner cone, stop the car and turn the wheels as far as possible in the direction opposite to the garage.
  2. Continue driving until the near corner cone of the garage appears in the rearview mirror.
  3. Stop and turn the steering wheel all the way towards the second cone.
  4. Start reversing, using the side mirrors as your guide.
  5. Stop the car when it is parallel to the side walls of the garage.
  6. Turn the steering wheel so that the car can move in a straight line.
  7. Continue until you have fully entered the garage.

Penalty points are awarded for knocking down marking equipment, stopping the engine, and driving beyond the road marking lines.

The site for the task simulates the side of the road, along which two cars are parked. The subject's task is to park the car between them. To successfully complete the exercise, the candidate driver must place the car in a parking space while driving in reverse. In this case, the left edge of the vehicle should not cross the control line of the site.

Penalty points are awarded for knocking down marking equipment, stopping the engine, as well as driving outside the boundaries of the task area.

One of the easiest tasks on the exam. To successfully complete the exercise, the potential driver must position the vehicle in the opposite direction to the original one in a small area.

This task is completed in three steps:

  1. Moving as close to the right edge as possible, wait until the front wheel is level with the middle cone.
  2. Stop the car, turn the steering wheel all the way to the left and start driving.
  3. Stop the car near the solid marking line, turn the steering wheel all the way to the right and engage reverse gear.
  4. Once you have enough room to exit the site, stop the vehicle.

Penalty points are awarded for knocking down marking equipment, stopping the engine, as well as driving outside the boundaries of the task area.

During the task, the driver candidate will have to demonstrate maneuvering skills in confined spaces. The area for completing the task is a winding corridor that must be passed by making left and right turns at right angles.

To successfully complete the task it is necessary to make turns along a large radius. In this case, maneuvers should begin only after the side mirrors are in line with the angular cone.

Penalty points are awarded for knocking down marking equipment, stopping the engine, reversing, and hitting a road marking line.

Step-by-step instructions for entering the box

Step-by-step instructions for entering the box

It is immediately important to take into account that it is somewhat more difficult to enter a garage than a box at a race track. This is due to the fact that there will be tools, boxes and other obstacles in the garage. The car owner must take this into account so as not to bump into it and damage the paintwork or tires.

So, step by step execution:

  • the inspector gives the command to drive from the starting line, and the driver carries it out,
  • then movement is carried out “in a straight line” parallel to line BE,
  • at this moment it is necessary to maintain a distance: it should be no more than 50cm from BE,
  • then, visually from the driver, the CD line will be located on the opposite wall. When this line becomes visible, you should stop,
  • Some drivers, when performing such exercises, greatly increase steering resources, but in most cases it is recommended to stop,
  • It is better to pass an existing landmark slightly than not to reach it. In addition, it is recommended to remember that if the visual “CD” line is aligned with the driver’s shoulder, then while driving, when turning the wheels, the car will press against it, which can be corrected by turning the wheels in a different direction. When comparing this line, for example, with the front wheels, which are turned all the way, the car will approach the opposite wall of the box, which makes the exercise more complicated: you won’t be able to engage reverse gear once,
  • Next, turn the steering wheel to the left. It is worth noting that with a car with power steering, this must be done as carefully as possible, without pressing the steering wheel all the way, otherwise the power steering pump will be broken,
  • then a stop is made without crossing the long limit line of cones (AF), the steering wheel is turned to the right, and the movement begins backwards. Movement is controlled by monitoring the right mirror,
  • After aligning the car parallel to the “CD”, stop it, align the wheels and continue driving in reverse. When approaching the control broken line and crossing it, immediately stop the vehicle and raise the handbrake in neutral gear,
  • Then the inspector demands to leave. It is important to remember here that maximum twisting of the steering wheel to the left is permissible only after comparing the goal line with the center of the front door windows, otherwise there is a risk of knocking off the cone or crossing the markings with the left wheel,
  • The exercise ends after crossing the stop line (“AB”) and stopping the vehicle.

Important features of the maneuver

Step-by-step instructions will help every driver to correctly enter the garage. But there are some subtle nuances in the scheme that should not be forgotten. A very important point: you can only engage reverse once. If you stop the car further than the designated landmark (the far boundary line of the box is perpendicular to the middle of the front door glass), then the maneuver can still be performed. When moving backwards, you will have to turn the wheels in the right direction at the right moment and avoid hitting the limiting solid road.

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But if the driver continues the exercise without reaching the landmark, then, moving backwards, the vehicle will hit the “wall” of the box to the left or right of it (depending on which side of the area the movement began from). It will be possible to complete the exercise only by correcting the position of the car and engaging reverse again. You also need to remember the following:

  • the exercise begins at the examiner's signal;
  • after entering the box and stopping, it is also important to wait for his command;
  • You need to stop the car after crossing the start line of the exercise.

Given these nuances, the examinee can pass the exercise without penalties.

Basic mistakes and how to avoid them?

The main mistakes when driving into a garage in reverse include:

  1. Knocking down cones (pegs). Often this error occurs when the car is aligned too late, or, conversely, too early. The third pole gets knocked down during a fairly strong entry. Most often, all three cones are confused by the rear view mirrors. Those taking the exam should remember that only 2 pegs can be knocked down when performing this exercise; if three or more are caught, the grade “fail” will be given. But you should be more careful not when observing, so as not to knock the cone down with a mirror, but also so as not to cross the line with your wheels.
  2. Incomplete entry into the box. This error can be corrected by driving the required distance.

Penalties for possible errors

For the following violations, the candidate receives penalty points:

1Collision with one or two wheels on a continuous marking line
Engine stalling while the candidate is performing an exercise
3Knocking down cones and crossing continuous markings
Repeatedly shifting reverse gear
Exiting an exercise without crossing the “AB” line
Failure to complete the exercise within the allotted 2 minutes.
Incomplete crossing of the control marking line along the front clearance of the vehicle upon arrival

Important! If the candidate receives 3 penalty points, the exam fails.

Nuances when passing the exercise

Often the inspector arrives later than the candidates, sometimes by 30-60 minutes. This time can be used rationally by agreeing with the instructor so that he allows you to try to perform several exercises on your own in order to practice.

Before starting the test, the person taking the exam should already know that the surface of the race track is often laid at an angle, which can significantly worsen the situation when passing the exercise, because the car can roll back even on a seemingly flat area.

Let's celebrate! Therefore, even during training, you should remember and evaluate the terrain of the racetrack, and in certain situations, press the brake a little earlier, in others, hold it longer.

What other nuances should be taken into account when performing the exercise “entering the box in reverse”:

  • if during training the dimensions of the garage were set a little smaller, then passing the exercise will be much easier,
  • it should be performed at minimum speed,
  • If possible, it is advisable to drive at idle speed, without using the gas pedal.
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