How to restore documents for a motorcycle if all documents are lost

  • July 30, 2019
  • Automobile law
  • Oksana Yatskevich

How to register a motorcycle without documents? A similar question often arises among modern drivers and car owners. Lack of transport papers can arise under different circumstances. And it doesn’t matter what kind of vehicle we are talking about - a car, a truck or a motorcycle. In any case, a person will have to follow a certain procedure to register a vehicle. And the advice on registering cars will be the same for all cases. Next, we will try to study all possible scenarios. In addition, the guidelines provided will be considered universal. They, as stated, can be used for any transport. The only difference is the cost of registration actions, but we’ll talk about that later.

The legislative framework

How to register a motorcycle without documents? This is a rather difficult question. The point is that a lot depends on the circumstances.

According to the law, the absence of papers on a car is an obstacle to registration actions. If the applicant does not have some certificates, he will either have to forget about registering this or that vehicle, or be puzzled by the restoration of driving certificates.

Accordingly, without documentation it is pointless to think about bringing an idea to life. Therefore, we will next try to find out how to obtain certain papers for a motorcycle, as well as how registration actions are carried out.

List of required documents

Documents for obtaining a vehicle passport:

  • application for registration;
  • application for issuance of a duplicate;
  • a certificate from the police about the opening of a case of theft of a registration certificate (if the vehicle title was stolen);
  • if the paper is worn out - the PTS itself;
  • motorcycle owner's identification card;
  • purchase agreement;
  • MTPL insurance policy;
  • diagnostic card;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

What should the applicant have?

How to register a motorcycle without documents? No way. First of all, a person will have to restore car certificates in the established forms. The main thing is to know how to behave. Unfortunately, the corresponding task is not always easy to implement.

What statements should the true owner of a car or motorcycle have? Usually this:

  • STS;
  • PTS;
  • car insurance policy;
  • title paper.

Until the vehicle is registered with the authorized bodies, the owner of the car will not have a registration certificate. In the case of buying a used motorcycle, a person will have to take all the certificates listed above for further registration. But it happens that there are no such extracts. What to do?

Feasibility of action

How to register a motorcycle in Russia without documents? First of all, everyone must understand how real this task is.

The absence of documents for a vehicle is grounds for refusal of registration actions by the authorized bodies. This means you will have to prepare certificates for a car or motorcycle to complete the task. But this is not always easy to do. All possible scenarios will be discussed below.

Options for solving the problem

Is it possible to get documents for a motorcycle? Yes, but sometimes you have to try hard to do it.

What life situations do you encounter in practice? Here are the most common scenarios:

  • the car belongs to the applicant;
  • Legally, the motorcycle does not belong to the applicant, but it is known whose vehicle it is;
  • It is unclear whose vehicle they plan to register for each person.

Accordingly, further we will try to consider all the listed situations. Unfortunately, the latter arrangement causes a lot of problems in practice. And it is in this case that it is often not possible to obtain vehicle registration.

Is it possible to register a motorcycle with the traffic police without documents and how to do it?

Motorsports enthusiasts are constantly looking for interesting and rare models.

But finding a motorcycle does not mean being able to ride it. To own a vehicle, it must be registered with the traffic police, and this can only be done by proving ownership.

The lack of documents for a motorcycle does not mean that registration is impossible. To complete the procedure, you will need to perform a number of actions that will allow you to prove the legality of ownership of the vehicle and register it.

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Legally owned by someone else

How to register a motorcycle without documents? The answer to this question directly depends on the specific situation. The only thing we can say with certainty is that, first of all, a person will have to restore their driving certificates. Without them, registration with the authorized bodies will not be carried out. Refusal to register will be considered completely legal and justified.

Let us assume that the motorcycle legally belongs to the citizen-applicant. In this case, restoring auto certificates will cause the least amount of problems. You just have to find out which extracts are missing.

At the moment, the following components may be missing:

  • document on ownership of movable property;
  • registration certificate;
  • car insurance policy.

First, let's look at the process of restoring title paper. As a rule, this is the basis for updating the technical passport of a motorcycle.

To restore the corresponding document, a citizen simply needs to take with him his passport and the extracts available for the motorcycle, and then contact a notary office. To the one where the transaction for registration of property rights was carried out. Or you can contact the motorcycle seller. The relevant persons must have copies of title documents. Let's say, purchase and sale agreements. They will make another copy of the statement, then certify it and give it to the applicant.

It sounds simple, but in reality certain difficulties often arise. As practice shows, it is easiest for citizens to restore their transport title deeds. You will have to put a lot of effort into the rest of the documentation.

Hi all! In my first entry, I want to share with you my experience of obtaining a duplicate PTS for a motorcycle that was NEVER registered in the Russian Federation, that is, it was imported, purchased, and then the PTS was lost.

picture to attract attention

I will write to you about MY experience, and I want to say right away that everything was successful, but not without difficulties!

It all started when, at the age of 23 (as of 2014), I finally decided to fulfill my dream and buy my first motorcycle. I spent a long time choosing, and could not find anything normal in my small town or surrounding area. Since I was unable to find Hayabusas and Erodins for my money, I purchased a Honda Cbr600 at a motorcycle dealership in Bryansk and took it home in a van. At that time I didn’t have a license yet, I didn’t have any equipment, but I had a great desire to drive.

In March, the snow melted off the asphalt, and I started learning to ride a motorcycle with oak 8-year-old tires at +5 degrees Celsius. Since I hadn’t yet had time to pass the Category A test (and they promised me a license by mid-March), and I couldn’t insure and register it, I took with me a passport, PTS, DCT, GTD, manual for the motorcycle (just kidding), in short everything I had!

At the beginning of May, on one of the holidays, the inevitable happened - having stopped to rest and deciding to take money out of my pocket, I took out a passport in which all the documents were enclosed, for some reason the PTS was not there. This alarmed me (not in vain) and I went home, he was not there either. I couldn’t lose him, I thought so, and so I continued the ride with a calm soul. Then I went to the garage, there was no title there, again crowbar, there was no vehicle there either. I checked all the jackets, jeans, closets, shelves, my house looked like the FSB had come with a search warrant. There was no PTS anywhere.

The first rule of PTS restoration is don’t lose it! In fact, it turns out that somehow only one PTS flew out of my stack of documents, everything else remained in place, I still can’t understand how this happened. If you think that by putting it in a zippered pocket you are protecting yourself, then no! Once I caught up with a motorcycle brother on the highway who was riding with the zipper on his backpack unfastened, everything flew away from him...

Then there were long drives throughout the city and studying the roadsides, searching public pages for messages about the found PTS, etc. and so on. The first thing I did was turn to Google, read a lot of forums, and the bottom line was this: forget about your motorcycle, it’s now dockless. I called the salon where I bought this motorcycle, they sent me there with the wording “what can we do?” Looking ahead, I want to say that they could do a lot, because the customs office is located in their city, they imported...

Then I came across a message from one person who described how he was trying to restore the title, but it had not yet been issued to him. I read it and took action!

1. Collection of documents.

a) A certificate from the police that the vehicle was not found. They may ask you to search your home, seize the backpack from which the document was lost, look for witnesses to the incident, etc. Send them away and ask for help! It was sent to me by mail as a response to my application. I could write a lot here about obtaining this certificate, but about the police it’s either good or nothing.

b) A certificate from the traffic police stating that the vehicle has never been registered. This was the most difficult thing! They sent me there right away, rudely and irrevocably. I was also rude, did not make compromises, in the end I reached some boss, and after a long wait for the moment when he would be in place and free (it seems they realized that I would not leave), he also sent me, but so, paternally, kindly, like the mentally retarded son of the family's best friend. He argued this by saying that such a form does not exist in principle, and therefore they cannot give me something that does not exist. After which I told him that such documents are issued freely in other cities (I made this up), such procedures are the norm (I made this up), and that this certificate for me is equal to the cost of a motorcycle, because without it I can’t do anything... and I will ** torment (torment) you all here until I get it, because this is a lot of money for me, and for the sake of money I’m ready to do anything. I looked desperate; judging by my modest clothes, it was clear that I had nothing to lose, and he agreed to develop a new certificate form just for me, but just in case, it was signed by his deputy, and not by himself. Get help - Done.

c) Copy of the lost PTS Everything is simple here, I bought a motorcycle in the showroom (even though they say not to buy a used one in the showroom) and I had scans of all the documents in the mail initially. Thanks to them! I’m not sure about this point; subsequently, no one asked for a copy.

d) Purchase and sale agreement Since I traveled without registration, my contract of sale changed every week. I just wrote a new one with the seller's information. This document is for customs, according to it, they issue a duplicate to you, and not to the person who customs the motorcycle. If you don't have this information, you'll probably fail, but that's not certain.

e) Fees, application for issuance of a duplicate, etc. The application is written in free form, I wrote it on the spot. The amount and methods of payment of the duty must be found out after the fact; everything changes from year to year. Customs officers can tell you all this.

f) Sending documents and control It wasn’t easy for me to put all this in a separate paragraph! My document recovery took 9 months, simply because I paid little attention to it. I sent the documents by registered mail (as they requested), and once a month I checked the situation, oh, how wrong I was then... 9 months passed (or so), the new season was already just around the corner, there were no documents whether to buy consumables or selling it for spare parts was not clear. I was blown away, UNTIL WHAT!? I started calling them like crazy. I called Moscow, Bryansk, St. Petersburg (by accident), told everyone my name and what my problem was, said that I would complain, I thought about going to court, I would take my wife away, set the car on fire, loosen the pipe of the house, rent a neighboring apartment and be loud listen to Russian rap... and then I felt movement! They gave me the incoming number of my letter, they told me who was responsible for it, it turned out that this person was on sick leave... I still called every day several times, and, pretending to be a fool, asked about my dearest person - the one who is responsible for my appeal. A miracle happened, on the third day, this girl was there, she left the hospital ahead of schedule! Well, isn't it a miracle? We agreed to meet on its territory, that is, at customs. Success!

The last paragraph is the most joyful. I arrive there at the agreed time, my man is not there, I’ll wait! They put me in a meeting room and turned on the TV, against my will, a difficult ordeal, considering that I basically don’t watch it. In general, I would like to note the very good attitude of the Bryansk customs employees, I got the impression that I was paying them a salary, they treated me so well. Then the person I needed came and asked if we had an appointment at 11? I said yes. “Well, what happened to your car?” - nothing, everything is fine... in short, he wasn’t even aware of the situation at all, and in general he was surprised that everything took so long and was surprised that I was obediently waiting by the sea for the weather... then there was a long waiting, because all this time NOBODY was concerned with my question AT ALL, and thank God that my documents were not lost. Then I was invited, I signed the PTS, and a stone was lifted from my soul.

In conclusion, I want to say that the motorcycle was registered without problems, for this I did not need a DCT, because I was the first owner in the duplicate title. Russia is a country of enormous opportunities, provided that you have endless strength to fight the laziness and ignorance of government employees. structures.

Smooth roads and cheap gasoline to everyone :)

We restore the registration certificate if the vehicle belongs to the applicant

How to register a motorcycle without a title? There is no way to do this. The thing is that a technical passport is the main transport certificate, which reflects the technical parameters of a movable object, as well as information about the owners of the property. It is one of the mandatory extracts for registration actions.

As already mentioned, the owner of the car may not have a vehicle registration certificate. In this case, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. Report the loss or theft of your PTS to the police. You will need to have your ID with you at this time.
  2. Contact the dealership or the traffic police department with available vehicle statements. It is enough to have a title document, as well as a civil passport.
  3. Request PTS from the relevant authority.
  4. Pay for the production of such a document.
  5. Receive a registration certificate for a motorcycle or car at the agreed time.

As a rule, if the title is restored, the citizen will immediately register the car. Accordingly, in the course of the actions taken, the person will also be given an STS. It will be issued even if the applicant has the appropriate documentation. This is due to the fact that, according to the law, changing the PTS entails a mandatory adjustment of the certificate of registration with the traffic police.

How to restore the title for a motorcycle?

A vehicle passport is a document that contains license plate data, technical characteristics of the vehicle, as well as information about the driver. If the paper is lost, criminals can use it. In addition, according to the current law, driving a vehicle without documents is prohibited. If stopped by a traffic police officer, the driver will need to pay a fine of 2 thousand rubles. In some cases, vehicles may be evacuated to a parking lot. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to properly handle documents and promptly renew their validity period.

The PTS is subject to restoration if the document is lost, damaged or becomes dilapidated. In order to renew the paper, you must contact the MREO and fill out the appropriate application. If a registration certificate is stolen, the police must also be notified.

Procedure for restoring the title of a motorcycle:

  • collection of documents. The owner will need any papers confirming ownership of the vehicle: purchase and sale agreement;
  • general power of attorney;
  • deed of gift or will;
  • driver's license with open category "M";
  • identification;
  • CASCO or OSAGO insurance policy;
  • diagnostic card;
  • filing an application for restoration of PTS. The text states:
      reason for restoration;
  • owner's initials;
  • technical characteristics of the car;
  • registration data;
  • payment of state duty (800 rubles).
  • Within 1 day, the traffic police will issue a new title.

    No OSAGO

    Registering a motorcycle without a document is an unrealistic task. The point is that such a possibility is not provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. This means that you will have to think about restoring the documentation. Without appropriate manipulations, registration actions will not be carried out in order to ensure property security.

    Sometimes citizens do not have a car insurance policy. It's easy to restore or order. It is enough to contact the insurance company with a passport, PTS and title paper for a movable object. After paying for the policy and insurance services, you can receive the corresponding statement in your hands.

    Is it possible to restore documents if lost?

    If you have lost your documents (no matter what happened to them - they were lost, stolen, burned/drowned, etc.), they can be restored. The main thing is to write in the application that you lost them.

    When documents are stolen, one often wants the criminal to receive a well-deserved punishment, which, it would seem, can be achieved by contacting the police. But this is most often unsuccessful. By contacting the police station with a similar case, you will most likely add a new “penalty” to the employees, and a bunch of paperwork for yourself with various protocols. But the documents never came back.

    If you know that documents have definitely been stolen and have a guess about the approximate location of the crime, look for them at the nearest trash cans or urns. Or post an ad with a reward for anyone who finds and returns the document.

    Does not legally belong, but the owner is known

    Is it possible to register a motorcycle without documents? Absolutely not. To register with the authorized bodies, a person must have a certain package of certificates. This is a completely legal requirement.

    The next scenario is a situation where a citizen does not legally own the vehicle, but knows who owns the vehicle. Did someone buy a motorcycle without documents? How to make them?

    There are several options. Namely:

    • personally contact the owner and make title documents;
    • restore car certificates by proxy;
    • use postal services to prepare documents for the car and communicate with the owner of the vehicle.

    Next, we will try to consider all of the above situations. In practice they cause a lot of problems. And therefore it is not recommended to buy a vehicle without documents. This is quite a risky step.

    Registration of a title document

    How to register a motorcycle without documents? It was said earlier that this is a useless undertaking. This means it’s worth thinking about issuing car certificates.

    It happens that legally the vehicle does not belong to the person who wants to register the car. In this case, you need to think about registering the fact of transfer of ownership rights to movable property.

    For example, you can use the following instruction:

    1. Find the “legal” owner of a motorcycle or other vehicle.
    2. Agree on a particular transaction.
    3. Collect documents for the relevant procedure.
    4. Draw up an agreement with a notary on the transfer of rights to a motorcycle in one way or another.

    After this, the PTS, STS, as well as the car insurance policy are transferred to the potential registrar. In addition, he will have a title document in his hands. It will be used in the future by the traffic police.

    Quite often, people enter into purchase and sale agreements or deeds of gift, but with the unspoken transfer of money for transport. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in the corresponding operations.

    Important: to conduct a legally significant transaction, the presence of both parties in the notary’s office is necessary.

    No title document - method No. 1

    How to get documents for a motorcycle without documents? It happens that a citizen loses all certificates for a vehicle. And at such moments it is not entirely clear what to do next.

    It is worth starting by contacting the police with a statement about the loss or theft of documents. After this, it is recommended to start restoring them. Having completed this path, the citizen will receive documents for transport, and then will be able to easily carry out the procedure for re-registration of movable property with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

    The first way to restore a title document is to visit a notary’s office. Typically, transactions related to the transfer of ownership of property are carried out through notaries. You can use this! Authorized persons must keep copies of title documents. They are what we need!

    To achieve the desired result, the citizen is recommended to perform the following actions:

    1. Report the loss or theft of vehicle documents to the police. If there were none at all, you will have to skip the step.
    2. Take your passport and go to the notary’s office, where the transaction for the transfer of ownership of the motorcycle was concluded.
    3. Write an application for the issuance of a duplicate of the title document, and then pay for the services of an authorized person.
    4. Receive a DCP or other document indicating the fact that the vehicle belongs to the applicant.

    Now you can restore the registration certificate if you don’t have it. Together with it, the STS will be remanufactured. And only after this we can talk about re-registration of vehicles. For example, in another region.

    Restoration of title by owner

    How to register a motorcycle without documents? The answer to this question is simple - not at all. It will not be possible to cope with the task until the citizen issues a car certificate.

    If the vehicle does not legally belong to the applicant, he will have to contact the owner of the motorcycle for documents. Does the person concerned also lack them?

    In this case, you can ask the owner to restore the documentation himself, and then sign a title agreement. Until this moment, there is no point in thinking about how to register a motorcycle without a title.

    The second scenario is the independent restoration of transport documentation with the subsequent issuance of title certificates. In such circumstances, the instructions listed above must be followed. Only first you will have to issue a power of attorney for the potential owner of the car. Someone who purchased a vehicle without documents.

    Cost of obtaining a duplicate PTS

    The cost of producing a duplicate vehicle passport is fixed for all regions of the Russian Federation, if the owner applies for the document. When applying through a law firm, prices will be doubled.

    The cost of a duplicate title for a motorcycle:

    • when contacting the traffic police by the owner of the vehicle - 800 rubles to be paid;
    • when paying via the Internet portal of State Services - 560 rubles (until January 1, 2021);
    • when sending a duplicate by mail - 1,050 rubles;
    • registration through intermediaries from 1 thousand rubles and above.

    If the owner purchased a motorcycle abroad and did not complete customs clearance, the driver is fined a fine of at least 3 thousand rubles. In addition, you will need to pay a tax fee for filing a declaration - 5 thousand rubles.

    If you can't come

    Need paperwork for a motorcycle? Without documents of the established form, it will not be possible to register a vehicle. It happens that a citizen cannot personally contact the owner of movable property. How to proceed? How to register a motorcycle without documents?

    You can cope with the tasks through mail with receipt notifications. First, the citizen asks for a power of attorney from the owner of the car, then restores the missing car certificates, after which he himself prepares a purchase and sale agreement or other agreement on the transfer of rights to a movable object. Next, you need to send the corresponding statement for signature, and then receive it in your hands. The completed title document (a copy with notarization) will have to be sent to the former owner of the motorcycle. Otherwise, the transaction will be declared invalid.

    There were no documents at all - case No. 1

    Thinking about how to legalize a motorcycle without documents, citizens are looking for ways out of various situations. It also happens that the transport is transferred to another person’s ownership, but the parties did not enter into any agreement. Everything happened in words.

    In this case you will have to:

    1. Contact the previous owner of the movable property.
    2. Conclude an agreement of one kind or another with the appropriate person, indicating the transfer of rights to the motorcycle to the new owner.
    3. Collect documents for the vehicle from the previous owner, and then carry out the procedure for re-registration of the motorcycle with the authorized bodies.

    In general, it is recommended to refuse transactions in which the documents for the vehicle are not initially transferred to the buyer, heir or donee.

    It's unclear whose

    Registering a motorcycle without documents is a futile task. It also happens that there is a vehicle, but its owner is unknown.

    For example, a citizen guesses who owns a motorcycle. Let's assume the owner is dead. In this case, thinking about how to register a motorcycle without documents is also useless. You will have to contact government authorities and then prove the fact that the owner of the car has no heirs. After this, as a rule, the movable property is purchased from the state. It is this that will restore the title and other papers for the motorcycle.

    Another very confusing situation is the transfer of a vehicle to the use of a person by the heir of the car, who also does not have papers for the movable object. Let's say a friend gave away his grandfather's old motorcycle. How to proceed?

    First, you will have to agree with your friend on the preparation of title papers and vehicle statements for the object. Only after this is it possible to formalize the transfer of ownership rights. For example, by donation. And only under such circumstances will it be possible to successfully register a car.

    There is a title, but there is no owner

    If the motorcycle you like has a passport, but the owner died long ago, registering a motorcycle without documents becomes a problem. First of all, these same legal documents must be obtained with the help of the heirs. If they received an inheritance of property (any: apartment, car, dacha, bank account), then they can obtain re-registration of the vehicle.

    1. Receive confirmation from a notary that the heirs have taken ownership of any property.
    2. Apply the paper and the heir to the traffic police (where the motorcycle is registered) and apply for registration in the name of the heir.
    3. Now the heir will be able to draw up a purchase and sale agreement, remove the bike from registration, and the buyer will register it in his name.

    If the heirs do not want to waste time, but are ready to transfer powers, draw up a general power of attorney with a notary, which includes actions to register the vehicle in their name, deregister the vehicle and subsequent sale transaction.

    If there are heirs of the deceased owner under the title, re-register the motorcycle in their name and then buy it.

    It will be more difficult to register a motorcycle without documents if the owner has died and there are no heirs. Then the state acts as the owner. You can contact the administration, property relations management department. This must be done at the place of registration of the vehicle.

    There are two options for purchasing motorcycles:

    • the administration lists the motorcycle as movable property and then sells it;
    • through scrap metal.

    The second option involves transferring the full amount for “scrap metal” to the administration, to their account, and subsequent redemption of the motorcycle from the collection point. When purchasing, indicate in the application “I am purchasing scrap metal in the form of a motorcycle.”

    A description of detailed characteristics is required: brand, color and year, body numbers, engine, chassis. As a result, you will receive a check or a sales contract (the scrap metal collection department appears as the seller). Take the papers to the local traffic police department, on this basis a vehicle passport can already be issued.

    Authorized Services

    How to register a motorcycle? Without documents this is impossible. And we have already found out how auto certificates are restored. By following these tips, you can quickly achieve success.

    Now let's look at the vehicle registration process. It is carried out in one of the authorized bodies. Namely:

    • MFC;
    • traffic police;
    • traffic police;
    • MREO.

    You need to choose a service at the place of registration of the applicant. Otherwise, the operation will be denied, and quite legally.

    If desired, you can register the vehicle through GosGosGosuslug. If a person has an activated account, he can act like this:

    1. Find it in the catalog of options on “State Vehicle Registration”.
    2. Select the option required by the citizen.
    3. Fill out the electronic form following the instructions.
    4. Submit your application for processing.
    5. Pay the transaction fee.
    6. Contact the authorized service with pre-prepared statements.

    At this stage you can finish. The traffic police inspector will inspect the vehicle and issue registration certificates.

    How to register a homemade motorcycle

    According to the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation” (as amended on May 9, 2005), the object of certification can be PRODUCTS. A single home-made copy is not a product, and therefore is not subject to certification. In your case, apparently, we are talking about permission to operate as a vehicle. Such permits are given by the traffic police by issuing a technical passport of the vehicle and a technical inspection certificate.

    I'm telling you. you go to the traffic police, write an application to the boss with a request to register a homemade three-wheeled motorcycle, after that, if the letter is signed and a referral for examination is issued, you go to the nearest technical university at the department of mechanical engineering, you fall at the feet of the head of the department and, pouring tears on his shoes, you ask for help in certification for a separate payment. Usually slips through

    1. This Procedure defines the procedures for monitoring changes in the design of motor vehicles and trailers for them registered with the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation*(1). 2. The procedure was developed on the basis of the Federal Law “On Road Safety” * (3) and in accordance with the Regulations on the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation * (4). 3. For the purposes of this Procedure, the following basic terms are used: base vehicle - a duly certified vehicle, the design of which is being modified; conclusion on the possibility and procedure for making changes to the design - a document issued by manufacturing organizations or authorized organizations, confirming the possibility of making changes to the design of the vehicle and establishing a specific procedure for carrying out the work necessary for this; testing laboratory (center) for certification - an organization accredited in the prescribed manner and included in the State Register of the GOST R Certification System, carrying out certification tests of specific types of products in the Certification System of motor vehicles and trailers; organizations authorized to issue opinions on the possibility of making changes to the design of vehicles - certification bodies, technical certification services, certification testing laboratories (centers), vehicle manufacturing organizations, as well as other organizations authorized by the Main Directorate of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate; certification body - an organization that carries out certification of a specific type of product, process or service in the GOST R Certification System, accredited in the prescribed manner and entered into the State Register of the GOST R Certification System; manufacturer of work on making changes to the design of vehicles - a legal entity and (or) individual entrepreneur performing work and providing services for the maintenance and repair of vehicles in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and having the appropriate license and certificate of conformity to perform these works and services ; technical inspection point * (5) - production and technical base of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur attracted by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in the prescribed manner to participate in checking the technical condition of vehicles using technical diagnostic tools during state technical inspection; certificate of compliance of a vehicle with safety requirements * (6) - a document confirming the compliance of a vehicle with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of road safety, issued by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate based on the results of monitoring changes to its design; components and pieces of equipment - units, components and parts installed and (or) used in the design of a complete vehicle, which are subject to separate requirements of regulatory documents; state technical inspection station of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate * (7) - a division of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate that has the necessary production and technical base for conducting state technical inspection of vehicles, as well as carrying out other special control, supervisory and licensing functions; technical certification service - a testing laboratory (center) accredited to conduct certification tests within the framework of the Agreement on the adoption of uniform technical requirements for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts that can be installed and (or) used on wheeled vehicles, and on the conditions for mutual recognition of official approvals issued on the basis of these regulations * (8); vehicle type - vehicles characterized by a set of identical design features recorded in technical descriptions. 4. Consideration of applications for changes to the design of a vehicle *(9) (Appendix No. 1) is carried out by the traffic police department at the place where the vehicle is registered. The statement details changes being made to the design of the vehicle. When accepting an application, you must make sure that in relation to the vehicle, the design of which is being changed, there are no prohibitions or restrictions imposed by the court, investigation, customs authorities, tax police authorities, or social protection authorities. 5. Based on the results of consideration of the application by the traffic police department, an appropriate decision is made. 6. The decision on the application shall indicate the procedure and conditions for registration and issuance of a certificate, as well as the need to obtain an opinion on the possibility and procedure for making changes to the design * (10). In addition, the decision lists the organizations from which it can be obtained. 7. If the decision provides for obtaining an opinion, then the owner of the vehicle applies to the organization authorized to issue it. 8. The conclusion contains: a description of the work that needs to be done when making changes to the design of the vehicle; recommendations for choosing a production base where these works can be performed; a list of works that the owner can perform independently. In case of a significant volume and (or) great complexity of work, the relevant technical documentation is attached to the conclusion. 9. As a conclusion, technical conditions for making changes to the design of a vehicle developed by the manufacturer of the base vehicle or the manufacturer of work on making changes to the design * (11), approved in the prescribed manner by the manufacturer of the base vehicle and agreed upon may be accepted with the Main Directorate of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. 10. A conclusion is not required in cases where: the vehicle, after changes made to its design, corresponds to a duly certified vehicle of the same brand and the same manufacturer; the changes made are provided for in the list of Changes to vehicle designs, which can be carried out without submitting a conclusion on the possibility of making changes to the design (Appendix No. 2), but with the permission of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. 11. Monitoring the implementation of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle. 11.1. Changes to the design of the vehicle are carried out by the manufacturer of these works. It is allowed to independently carry out work to make only those changes to the design of the vehicle for which there is permission from an authorized organization. 11.2. After making changes to the design of the vehicle, the manufacturers of these works issue the owner of the vehicle a declaration statement on the volume and quality of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle *(12) (Appendix No. 3). 12. For work carried out independently to make changes to the design of a vehicle, an application-declaration is filled out and signed by the owner of the vehicle. 13. The technical condition and design of the vehicle after the changes are made are checked for compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of road safety at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate or VET. 13.1. Based on the results of the inspection, a diagnostic card is issued for the vehicle *(13), which is issued to the owner of the vehicle. 13.2. When checking the design and technical condition of the vehicle, the compliance of the volume and quality of work performed, specified in the declaration application, is also monitored. Information about this is included in the column “Notes on defects identified during the inspection and additional information” of the diagnostic card. 14. Issuance of a certificate. 14.1. To obtain a certificate, the owner of the vehicle submits the vehicle and the following documents to the traffic police department: identification document; a document confirming the right to own, or use and (or) dispose of a vehicle; vehicle passport and vehicle registration certificate (technical passport, technical coupon); application and decision thereon; conclusion (in the cases provided for in paragraph 7); application-declaration; diagnostic card; duly certified copies of certificates of conformity for components and equipment used for conversion, spare parts and accessories subject to mandatory certification (in the absence of marking with a conformity mark). 14.2. Based on the submitted documents, the vehicle is identified. 14.3. Based on the results of reviewing the submitted documents, the traffic police department draws up, registers and issues a certificate to the applicant (Appendix No. 4) or refuses to issue it.


    How to get a title for a motorcycle without documents? It is necessary to prove the fact of ownership of the property and attach certificates of loss of extracts.

    How much do registration actions cost in Russia? It is proposed to focus on the following duties:

    • 800 rubles - new PTS;
    • 350 rubles - correction of the technical passport;
    • 1,500 rubles - license plates for motorcycles and trailers;
    • 2,000 rubles - license plate;
    • 500 rubles - issuance of STS.

    Moreover, if you pay through Gosuslugi, you can reduce the amount of duties by 30%. Everyone is able to exercise this right.

    How to register a motorcycle without documents? The answer to this question will no longer put a person in an awkward position. Unfortunately, such an operation is not always carried out quickly and without hassle.

    Is it possible to restore the title for a motorcycle?

    According to the law, drivers do not have the right to drive a vehicle without the appropriate documents: driver’s license, insurance policy, diagnostic card and registration certificate. If lost, the papers must be restored urgently. Read the current article on how to renew the title for a motorcycle.

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